
Centuries ago The Delta was a system of 9 isolated planets on an isolated plane. Chance planar tears at certain times of the year would sporadically connect The Delta to The Feywild, or The Astral Sea, strange magic and creatures bleeding through like shards of sand blown across an ocean. Dragons were legends, goblins and eladrin, fairy tales. Life on other planets could only be guessed at across vast distances, islands in a dead sea.

Until, one night, the night sky on every planet lit up with color in motion. A vast, complex system of shifting space rivers suddenly connected The Delta like beads on a tangled ribbon. These rivers are known as Styx (or Styxes).

The Styx also connects The Delta to The Astral Sea and the Fey Wild at two nexus points. They flow towards The Feywild during the Wet Season and the Astral Sea during the Dry. During the height of the Season these points of connection resemble, on one end, streams tumbling down from a mountaintop, and at the other, a roiling whirlpool.

During Season's change, the Styx slows to a crawl and eventually stops completely before changing direction. During this period of stillness, those chance planar tears become more prevalent and more stable, large Astral bodies from the Astral Sea tearing through in surprise meteor showers, whole kingdoms teleported to the Fey Wild in a creeping fog.

News of people claiming they were from other planets started becoming more common, popping up with tales of getting stranded in a sea of comets and dragons, or becoming lost in a forest where the seasons never changed. Or even stranger, having sailed across the Styx themselves. Travel along the Styx did not become commonplace until somewhat recently, within the past 500 years, after an event known in some places as The Advent of Dragons. Dragons were able to traverse the Styx themselves, and their power was unmatched almost everywhere they went. But not all who came with the dragons agreed with this conquest, and a collaborative effort culminated in the creation of Warforged. Using souls from the fallen to create ageless humanoids, these Warforged were able to traverse not just Styxes, but the space between them, a chaotic stormy void that rapidly ages all life inside it, known as The Doldrums. With more mobility, this newborn army was able to counter the dragons where it mattered most.

The manipulation of souls was a double edged sword. As the war dragged on, the connection between the planets of the Delta became more and more erratic, Styx became unstable, seasons irregular. It seemed The Delta was tearing apart at the seams.

Reaching a treaty on Boros, leaders of The Delta brokered a truce with the leaders of Dragons. The planet of Boros would be given over to Dragon rule, and extraplanetray conquest would cease, and warforged would cease to be created en masse.

Today, The Delta is the most interconnected it has ever been. Whole industries and religious domains are supported by niche interactions between planets and planes - be it through commerce, combat, communication, or just commuting from place to place. There are more Gods today than ever before.

But for every Bastion of Healing or Guardian of Nature there is an Insatiable Industry or Plague Reveler to contend with. Gods require a certain throughput of magic and souls to maintain their domain in the Elemental Chaos, or else said domain will Fall From Grace, disappearing from the Elemental Chaos and reappearing in Shadowfell, where it will slowly decay into the primal forces that fuel the universe.

The Company Store

The Company Store is a combination of organized crime, bounty hunting, and delivery services, lead by The Boss, a person whose face you recognize instantly but can never quite remember. The Company Store operates between the cracks of established industries and deities, exploiting the corrupt and carrying Very Important People or Things wherever they need to go.

The Boss

No one knows quite how old The Boss is, or what they look like; there are rumors that The Boss is a figurehead in name only, that many have taken on the mantle of The Boss. Other rumors insist The Boss is a lich, or even a God. Whatever the truth, The Boss has been leading The Company Store for centuries, and some say they’re starting to go a little mad…

The Delta

Centuries ago The Delta was a system of 9 isolated planets on an isolated plane. Chance planar tears at certain times of the year would sporadically connect The Delta to The Feywild, or The Astral Sea, strange magic and creatures bleeding through like shards of sand blown across an ocean. Dragons were legends, goblins and eladrin, fairy tales. Life on other planets could only be guessed at across vast distances, islands in a dead sea.

Today, The Delta is the most interconnected it has ever been. Whole industries and religious domains are supported by niche interactions between planets and planes - be it through commerce, combat, communication, or just commuting from place to place. There are more Gods today than ever before.


The Styx connects The Delta to The Astral Sea and the Fey Wild at two nexus points. They flow towards The Feywild during the Wet Season and the Astral Sea during the Dry. During the height of the Season these points of connection resemble, on one end, streams tumbling down from a mountaintop, and at the other, a roiling whirlpool.


Megacity Planet

Theme: The Machine

Vibes: Gray, Cyberpunk, Domed buildings, Wall-E's boot plant, political thriller

Most populated and developed of all planets. Suffering from effects of overpopulation. Working relationship with Golgari refugees offering homes to those who will help with crop efforts. Mega-structures like Kowloon have farms on their rooves, and there are "steppes," a regulated greenspace outside Azorian Voting Halls that are heavily policed. Living conditions of refugees is terrible, and there have been reports of Green Bombings, where people covertly cast powerful Plant Growth spells on regulated greenspace to create Golgari like environments to live in.

A "True" Democracy, where almost everything about how neighborhoods are run is up for vote by anyone, but over the centuries the government has employed so much chicanery and obfuscation that it's very very difficult to actually organize efforts to change. Politicians and lawmages basically are those most able decipher this stuff, but corruption is rampant, and it's not uncommon for politicians to start manipulating voters to go against their best interests.


Desert Dragon Planet

Theme: Weathering the Storm

Vibes: Mars, Outback, Arrakis, Cold War, Powder Keg

Sovereign of any God or government in the Styx as part of a treaty that ended The War of Dragons ~250 years ago. Dragons are native to the Astral Sea, but have outposts in The Delta and The Feywild where youth can grow to maturity. When becoming an adult, a dragon must choose whether they would like to grow into a World Dragon in the Astral Sea, or remain in The Delta or Feywild and grow to be an Ancient dragon. Ancient dragons are able to traverse the Astral Sea normally, but World Dragons are not able to survive outside The Astral Sea.

Dragons regularly jostle and compete for resources, but until recently, major conflicts were diverted through the Pact of the Five Crowns, a governing body of some of the most powerful dragons on Boros. The Pact assures that, if any of these parties should rise against the other, the remainder would fall on the aggressor to squelch their effort. However, nearly six months ago, The Party discovered a plot between the Black Dragon Dreadbelly, the Red Dragon Burnadetta, and the Green Dragon Corro to subvert the Pact and aspire to godhood. Dreadbelly used a hoard of soul coins to create a Divine Tether, attuning to it and transforming into a Bone Dragon War God held together by the Divine Tether. With some assistance from King Frigiderick (White Dragon) and the Blue Dragon Quickbolt, the party was able to defeat Dreadbelly, (sending Corro and Burnadetta running) whose divine tether then reformed into a Stole upon death.

Big clunky war machines and Giant Lizard shepherds traverse the desert from oasis to oasis, crawling over Bone Dunes, large stretches of desert littered with bones. The largest stretch of these dunes spans the entire equator, known as the Dunes of the Damned. The north and south poles are virtually the only greenspace on the planet, comprised of mega trees like sequoias and boababs. Many settlements are subterranean.

Consolidation of Power

Before the Boros Agreement granted dragons sovereign rule over the planet, the red waste was a little more green. Smallfolk lived alongside Giants, trekking from oasis to oasis as wandering shepherds, or tending to large temperate rainforests at the poles. These poles are where most Giants lived, tending to large trees and warding away Purple Worms or flocks of Giant Eagles.

People also cooperated with Sphinxes, mysterious and powerful creatures willing to lend their magic to a community if people would subject themselves to some trial, usually an adventure to Astrally Project into The Astral Sea to recover some lost bit of knowledge or ancient artifact. So even before the dragons crossed over to The Delta, the people of Boros knew dragons well.

After the Boros Agreement, many Giants and Sphinxes who had not already fled during the war were now emigrating, some sphinxes going to Azorius, others The Astral Sea. Many giants relocated either to Gruul or parts of Selesnya's interior.

Today, dragons have carved out their own niches on Boros. The green zones at both poles have receded considerably, the oases are withering and drying out a little more every year, and the heavy crawling of war machines have increased the number of purple worm incidents. The communities a dragon directly oversees are often well-stocked, safe, and comfy, but the areas in between are becoming increasingly treacherous.


Hidden Planet

Theme: Secrecy

Vibes: CIA, Thieves' Guild, John Wick, Bene Gesserit

Covered in a vantablack-like substance that makes it hard to find. There are rumors that the planet has somehow isolated itself from the Styx. Home of Shapeshifters and Mimics. A few high profile assasinations and coups in the past decades are rumored to be traced to Dimir operatives. Little else known.


Old Growth Planet

Theme: Decay

Vibes: Bluegrass, New Orleans, crumbling infrastructure, wealth disparity, bioluminescent neon

Swamp, Appalachia, Everglades. Home of Skidaddle, the Ever-Sinking City, where the party foiled a plot between the Forge god Mammatus and the Undercity Medusa "Chia Roscurro" to teleport Mount Battleaxe on top of Skidaddle. Wereravens, Dwarves, giant spiders. The planet is dying, crop yields steadily decreasing, whole forests going dormant out of season, a decline in predators and an increased amount of fungus and insects that recycle dead matter. Where the party obtained Misty Mushes.

Weight of the Past

Life on the surface of Golgari is hard and getting harder. Famines are causing people to emigrate in droves, once thriving cities are quickly beocoming ghost towns, and many have come to exploit the newly vulnerable as the powers that be leave a vacuum in their wake.

Two of these would-be exploiters were the corrupt Mayor of Skidaddle, a Fog Giant Deity named Mammatus Daykiller, as well as the mysterious Undercity Medusa known as Chia Roscurro. Chia assisted Mammatus in his sack of Skidaddle in exchange for his Divine Tether and one last Divine Act - teleporting the buried Mount Battleaxe back to the surface, directly over Skidaddle. Were it not for the party, the city would have been robbed of all its worth, then obliterated completely under the weight of Mount Battleaxe.

Under the Rug

As it is for all living things, the death of Golgari is not an end, or even a tapering off, but a transition. Influxes of power have been happening all over the planet, as people who once had to eke their way out in the cracks of eastablished systems are becoming Golgari's leading voices. While life on the surface dwindles away, The Underdark is more vibrant than ever.

Large insect ranches and mushroom mills help feed a growing populace. Family heirlooms of protection and powerful ancient artifacts can be sold for small fortunes as more people find security and stability in quickly expanding Undercities. Shadowy guides that once lived on a knife's edge traversing unpatrolled caverns now help organize infrastructure, pushing development beyond long established borders.

But like all transitions, this Underdark renaissance is not without its pains. New societal cracks have emerged as some communities are not factored into expansion efforts. Caverns with sensitive ecosystems are points of contention as some want to preserve them as they are, and others want to incorporate them into new development. Some animals and plants have been lashing out as their ecological niches shrink and shrink. Horror stories of communities without proper protection wards getting overrun by hoards of undead or dire corbies (or undead dire corbies) are becoming more frequent. There are rumors that some of these attacks are the result of sabotage.


Nomadic Planet

Theme: Balance

Vibes: Serenghetti, Great Plains, Nuba Mountains, Horizon: Zero Dawn meets Flintstones

One massive Pangea type landmass. Highly influenced by Nature deities, most people are nomadic and live in rhythm with the land. Very few actual permanent settlements. A lot of cooperation with animals, like the Flintstones but less degrading. Many tribes adopt a kind of Peaceful Warrior stance, combat arts embraced as meditation or dance. Lots of Megafauna. Most tribes are friendly with Styx travellers, but some believe the balance of Gruul to be in danger with too much outside influence, and will occasionally attack Styxports and Styx ships. Matt suggested forever ago that people move up and down the coast with pods of Orcas or Orca-type creatures. There are a few points where sailing around the other side of the world is quicker than crossing on land, but deep ocean is dangerous.

A Godly Mess

Looking at Gruul from above would be like looking at stereotypical platformer settings smooshed next to each other - a pristine beach sharply turns to frozen tundra, which melts into jungle, which dries to a lava field.

Thinking of Plate Tectonics and Wilson Lines, these biomes used to be more separated, strongly influenced by Gods who watch over the land. As they drifted together, this influence has been maintained, making it possible to for a dense rainforest to abut a sparse desert.

Gruulian Guardians

Inspired by the Naraphon Tree and the Golem. People on Gruul who either choose or are forced to live without the protection of the Gods sometimes craft Guardians for themselves. These are the original Warforged.

Soul Weavers of the Godless are able to give a soul last rites while still on The Delta. This can only be done to a willing soul. This allows the soul to let go of the form it remembers and be reborn without ever having to go through Shadowfell or the Elemental Chaos, like unspooling a sock into a pile of yarn. The soul is then formless, and able to take on new shape, often a body grown or sculpted out of the land by members of the Godless. Some Guardians contain only one soul, bearing a similar resemblance to the soul that birthed it, like a child might resemble their parent. Others are comprised of multiple souls, becoming embodiments of the tribe itself. A soul that submits themselves to this does so knowing they won't get to spend any time in any afterlife domain they may have earned, any chance to reconnect with those who've gone before.


The surface of Izzet is as inhospitable as the surface of Simic. Incredibly tall, stark metal vents spew multicolored smoke, staining the surroundings like a frozen painted desert. Travel on the surface is only advisable during a few hours in the afternoon, and only with the right equipment and a destination in range. A tide of snow peaks hundreds of feet high in the dead of night - looking at the planet from the side it would appear oblong, like a many-jeweled Faberge egg.


Religion Planet

Theme: Religious Expression

Vibes: Atlantic Coast, Black Forest, Monks, Pentiment meets Sunless Sea

Hotbed of divine magic, ties to the Elemental Chaos and Shadowfell. Many deities have their highest office here. Twin moon with Rakdos, also mostly ocean, communities also based on islands and archipelagos mostly around the equator. ~500 years ago when the Styx first opened up, the planet Rakzhov was bombarded with Ice laden planetoids from the Astral Sea. The resulting debris formed two distinct bodies, sea levels rising extremely from the melting ice.

Mostly temperate, seasonal, with no extreme temperature change at either pole. The North pole is constantly shrouded in fog. The South pole is home to the Church of Charon. A very grand Styxport welcomes travelers with ships ready to take them to and from the various religious high offices. Seas are typically stormy and turbulent. The land is not the most fertile, relying somewhat on Rakdos to make up for crop deficits. However, many islands are home to dense forests, often used for ship building. (Maybe there is a dearth of trees on Rakdos, and we can have that food for wood trade be a primary interaction.) People from Orzhov and Rakdos are both considered exceptional in regards to ship design, sailing, and navigation. Lots of volatile weather all over the place - volcanic activity, strong winds, weeks long storms, as well as a forest that is always on fire. After Rakzhov split, the people of Orzhov embraced a more studious attitude toward understanding the universe, believing in objective truths that can be arrived at through rigorous dedication. "Gods deserve leaps of faith and aren't to be questioned lightly."


Art Planet

Theme: Artistic Expression

Vibes: Pacific Islands, Theater kids, Auteurs, Nihilism, Wind Waker

Mostly tropical, but extreme cold at both poles (pools of supercooled water that freezes things on contact, maybe?). Once part of a larger planet with Orzhov. After an apocalyptic event the planet was split in two. Almost entirely ocean, communities are located on islands and archipelagos. Art styles are distinct between islands, like Galapagos finches. Every year there is an olympics type event where artists compete. Committed to art with a religious fervor, people go to literal war over creative differences. Highly influential culturally, a lot of popular books, plays, music, etc. come from Rakdos. People here are apt to be mediators and ambassadors for third parties, but there are also people that abuse that influence. Often a target of Shapeshifters and Mimics trying to infiltrate other organizations through the good will surrounding Rakdos. Chaotic, individualistic, "forge your own path, create your own meaning." Gods only deserve as much attention as they earn through direct action.


New Growth Planet

Theme: Rampant Growth

Vibes: Arborsculpture, Danger, Jurassic Park, conquering nature vs. living with nature, dance music with warbling woodwinds

Sister planet of Golgari. There are myths that posit Golgari and Selesnya share a life force, that at one point Selesnya was old growth and Golgari was new growth. Jungle, Floodplains, Tall jagged mountains, Loooooooooong beaches. Animals and plants grow and evolve quickly. Interior dominated by territorial mega fauna. Most settlements are near coastlines. One of the largest is an Azorian settlement named Gutenberg.

Settlers of Gutenberg had a bloody history with the people of Golgari. A Dragon Turtle Tempest God named Shima combatted them and destroyed a World Tree in the process.

Centuries later, after a peace was reached, a migrating community to the south named Shima's Wake was suffering from a food desert being created by oinoliths hired by the Azorian governemnt as part of their logging operations. The Company Store helped Shima channel her remaining divinity into the creation of a new World Tree, alleviating the food desert within a certain radius. The community around this World Tree was renamed Shima's Rest.

The Party later helped Shima's Rest secure a shipping lane to the nearest Tributary, which had been monopolized by Azorian forces. They snuck aboard and sank Gutenberg's flagship the A.N.V. Protection, captained at the time by Gnarls, "The Mailman" Simitz, a grizzled Giff with a big musket. As thanks, Talofa, a Tortle druid community leader, organized an effort to build a ship for the party, a mushroom-inspired ship christend The Pileus.


Boiling Ocean Planet

Theme: Bio-magical experimentation

Vibes: Rapture, bioluminescent, submersible dog fights, big Subnautica-type sea creatures

One big Tributary controlled by two factions. One faction is a religion headed by a Kraken god, the other is a kind of corporate-state run by a mysterious Water Elemental. There is a forever Storm/Whirlpool that moves across the planet's equator like the Eye of Jupiter. Almost all life is well below the waves, though there are things that are able to survive the surface. Some cities are anchored to coasts, others are mobile, with fleets of submersibles as the main means of conveyance.

Fields of Foam

As the sun bakes the sea, heated gas escapes the ocean and rises to the surface in a torrent of bubbles. These bubbles often carry up organic matter, where it collects and catalyzes into far reaching fields of biomatter.

Many communities on Simic rely on cultivating these fields, either for building material, sustenance, or as components for magical experimentation.

From a distance, Simic looks like idyllc fields, patches of browns and yellows stretching and swaying next to waves of greens and dark reds. On the surface, goopy geysers erupt with a strong and moldable pus, a nutritious slurry excretes out of a fleshlike field to be squeegee'd and collected by moisture farmers, scabbed over tide pools cultivate rare and complex life forms instrumental for certain biomagical processes.

Foundries of Flesh

Most structures and vehicles on Simic are covered in a film or skin that displaces heat, regulates pressure, and prevents corrosion. A city built into a coastline drifts in the currents like the tendrils of an anenome. Wandering, jellyfish-like mega structures house cities in their heads, manipulating their tendrils to move through the ocean and anchor to rocks during storms. Submersible communities of interconnected, individual crafts navigate between depths like clumps of sentient sargassum.

The Astral Sea

A vast expanse of glittering planetoids in a gray sky, bobbing up and down between a hot darkness below and a cold light above.

Some large planetoids have been partially hollowed out to make towns, others lash together groups of smaller planetoids as flotilla-like villages. World Dragons are miles long, miles wide, vesitigial-limbed dragons, with small cities built under some of their scales. The largest stable community outside of World Dragons is the Pearl, a concealed city in a pockmarked, crystalline hunk of rock that is actually the skull of a dead god.

Home of Dragons, Hadozee, Psurlons, Githyanki, Githzerai, Starspawn, Aasimar and others.

Dragons in The Delta and The Feywild must decide at adulthood whether they would like to attempt to grow into a World Dragon, consigning themselves to the Astral Sea exclusively, or grow to be an Ancient Dragon, forsaking the chance to grow into a World Dragon, but able to traverse all the planes as they wish. The legs and wings of World Dragons shrink as they increase in overall size, like whales losing their legs.

I had the thought that there is too much psychic static/background noise for World Dragons to communicate with each other across vast distances. Their thoughts take a long time to coalesce, so interpreters and scribes take residence on the World Dragon to record these thoughts over the course of months or years. Outriders on smaller dragons or Styx Ships then carry these messages around The Astral Sea. With the exception of certain inorganic components, I feel like The Astral Sea's biggest export is knowledge. Indiana Jones types either come physically or astrally project. Factions are in conflict because some want to plunder the Astral Sea for material benefit and others wants to preserve and catalogue all they find. I imagine The Pearl (like Pearl of Wisdom) is the largest of these collections of knowledge.

Things do not age here, nor does anything need to eat, drink, or sleep.

Ancient Battleground

Gods will often decide to stage their more personal conflicts in The Astral Sea, rather than attack each other's domains or followers directly. In times past, the thinking was that the dragons would know to stay away, and neither God would have to worry about collateral damage. However, as The Planes become more connected and crowded and more people have made a home in The Astral Sea, it's not uncommon for Hopper Communities, Research Convoys, or even The Pearl to be caught in the Divine crossfire. The Pearl itself is likely a remnant of one of these battles.

The Feywild

Four planets, non-rotating and axially locked, such that it is always one season on each planet, and time only progresses as you move east or west. The planets are Hunuturu (Winter), Floria (Spring), and Fâl (Autumn), Heliator (Summer). Chaotic and tricksy, handshake agreements have life or death consequences. Fairy tale and folklore inspired - bridge trolls, Baba Yaga, Ananse, selkies, will 'o wisps, la Llorona.

Muddied Time

Where history shines pristine in the glittering Astral Sea, in parts of the Feywild, some aren't sure history is even a thing. For all they care, the world was created Last Thursday. And some parts of it were.

With time dilation, changes that take place over the course of a century on The Delta, occur within the space of a year in The Feywild. A kingdom that rises with one leader but falls with their child might grow into existance in The Feywild one season, and wither away the next.

Intraplanetary Travel

Reliable Ansible-like teleportation is possible between planets only when they are exposed to this Cosmic Rain, otherwise, Styx ships are able to be slingshotted out of one planet's orbit such that the following planet will come along and get the ship in its orbit. I'm thinking there's some use for the Immovable Rod here, but haven't figured that out, yet. This kind of travel is extremely risky, as getting the trajectory wrong might leave you stranded. But an unexpected military fleet arriving out of season could be pivotal in conflicts, and people trying to escape bad situations may not have long enough to wait until the next Cosmic Rain.


In the icy expanse of Hunturu, the Winter Eladrin make their home. Near the poles, large capital cities are dug into the ground, geothermally heated, looking from above like bright and hazy geodes in a white cliff face. These are centers of interplanar and interplanetary commerce, the only parts of Hunturu, or the whole Feywild, some travelers ever see.

In Aksis, the Northern capital, Castle Bitterbark sits at the bottom of the city, light from the buildings above dancing off it in flashes of bright color, music often drifting up and out of the hole, guiding pilgrims to its warm embrace.

Tension between Aksis and the Southern capital, Sarauniya (Sara-ooh-knee-uh) has been slowly rising. Recently, a controversial statue was erected in Sarauniya, depicting a mythic hero that is usually seen as a Seelie Fey, as an Unseelie fey. To some on Hunturu, depicting this hero as an Unseely is seen as a seditious or antagonistic gesture. It also has a history as a symbol of protest and rebellion.

To get around Hunturu, most go by sled, often ferried by a polar bear people, or more recently through mechanical means. But beware, for some inhabitants of Hunturu prey on these oft-traveled paths, including both Yetis and Oni. In between the capitals, you can find towns made entirely out of ice, floating fishing villages on vast steamy hot springs, and cities carved into waterfalls.

The largest of these frozen waterfalls is Firist Falls; it spans miles, but little is known about the people who live there. Explorers hoping to find their hanging city usually become hopelessly lost and give up, or are never heard from again.

In between the small pockets of domesticity that dot the wintry landscape are large Wilds, forests of living wood, often fiercely protected by druids. These druids usually act in support of a deity that helps the Wilds flourish. Stewards of these Wilds do conduct trade of sustainably sourced Living Wood, but allow no one else to harvest any of the Wilds. Intense conflicts arise when would-be Living-Lumberjacks try to harvest trees unsustainably.

Nestled in the center of Kramis Wilds is the incomplete Kramis Prison. Built centuries ago if not longer, no one's even sure who was supposed to be imprisoned there. One of the largest structures on the face of the planet, it has been derelict as long as most people around can remember.

But lately it has been a place of activity, and no one's really sure who's there, or why.


Floria, a world nestled in the heart of the Feywild, is a land of perpetual springtime, where the air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the sounds of nature abound. Here, the Spring Eladrin, dryads, nymphs, and satyrs make their home.

Floria is a world of incredible beauty and diversity, boasting a wide range of biomes that include dense forests, tangled jungles, and murky wetlands. The planet's magically enriched soils provide the perfect conditions for lush vegetation.

In recent years, some inhabitants have even begun to look beyond their own borders, seeking to establish new trade relationships with factions from the Delta. While there are those who worry that such endeavors could disrupt the delicate balance of power that exists on Floria, many see it as an opportunity to share their culture, gain access to vital materials, and expand their own horizons.

Living-lumber is Floria's greatest export, for its excellent use in the building of Styxships. And so to meet recent increased demands, bamboo farms have started to take hold of recently cleared areas.


The Autumn planet of the Feywild is a place of great turmoil, where the seasons are shaped by the forces of a sweeping Detritus Storm.

Detritus Storm

The Detritus Storm is a powerful and unpredictable force, destroying structures and agricultural lands on a yearly basis. The people of the planet have learned to adapt to the storm's fury, rebuilding their homes and farms with each passing season, or developing architectural and cultural practices which minimize its consequences.

The domestic societies are based around systems of lakes, which pock the otherwise plain featured planet. Atmospheric pressures above the lakes prevent their contamination by the annual deluge of debris, providing an environmental haven for fish and other aquatic kind.


There is conflict between those who choose to remain stationary and cultivate the land, and the nomadic peoples who roam the planet and take advantage of the storm's destructive power. Known as Storm Chaser Nomads, these people are like the Mongol warriors of old, raiders and brigands who pillage and plunder their way across the land.

Life on the autumn planet is harsh and unforgiving, but the people who call it home are strong and resilient, willing to do whatever it takes to survive in the face of nature's wrath. Whether they are tilling the land or chasing storms across the plains, they are united by their determination to make a life for themselves on this tumultuous world.


The Summer planet of Heliator is a place of unrelenting heat and blazing sunlight, where the very air seems to shimmer with waves of fiery energy. This hellish world is home to those who thrive in searing temperatures, including Night Mares, Salamander Folk, and the Summer Eladrin.

The landscape of Heliator is defined by rocky outcroppings and jagged cliffs which rise up from the scorched earth. The planet is dotted with volcanoes that spew molten lava and ash into the air, and rivers of fire.

There is relatively little known to outsiders about the true nature of Heliator and what it holds, besides rumors. If you were to ask the Summer Eladrin who live there what its like, chances are you'd hear less than half-truths.


The tables included here are custom look up tables for The Company Store campaign.

Pileus Mishap Table

RollMishapDescriptionSaveManual Reset
1Sent TumblingThe Pileus begins to tumble and its speed becomes 0. No Pilot Actions can be taken. Attacks against The Pileus have advantage. While unfixed, every creature aboard must make a DC 15 DEX Save at the start of their turn, taking 3d6 force damage and going prone on a fail, or taking half damage and remaining upright on a success.DC 20 Repair Check at Sails, Helm, or Fungine4 Actions between Sails, Helm, and/or Fungine
2Death LeakToxic spores fill the interior of The Pileus. While this mishap is unfixed, all creatures aboard must make a DC 15 CON Save at the start of their turn, taking 3d6 necrotic damage on a fail, or taking half damage on a success.DC 15 Repair Check to clear a 10 ft radius sphere centered on you. DC 19 Repair Check at Fungine to clear whole interior2 Actions to clear a 10 ft radius sphere. 3 Actions at Fungine to clear all.
3-4Cabin FoggedThe bioluminescent lights on The Pileus explode into a neon fog. The interior of The Pileus is heavily obscured until this mishap is fixed.DC 13 Repair Check to clear a 10 ft radius sphere centered on you. DC 17 Repair Check at Helm or Fungine to clear all2 Actions to clear a 10 ft radius sphere. 3 Actions at Helm and/or Fungine to clear all.
5-6Guns CloggedAnyone attuned to a Gunport becomes unattuned until mishap is fixed. All Mushkets become inoperable.DC 14 Repair Check at Gunport to fix individual. DC 18 Repair Check at Helm or Fungine to fix all.2 Actions at any Gunport for one. 3 Actions at Helm and/or Fungine for all.
7-8Tangled SailsThe Pileus' speed is halved. Attacks against The Pileus have advantage until mishap is fixed.Repair Check at Sails, Helm, or Fungine.2 Actions at Sails, Helm, or Fungine.
9Locked SteeringThe Pileus can only move in a straight line until this mishap is fixed. Attacks against The Pileus have advantage until mishap is fixed.DC 16 Repair Check at Helm, Sails, or Fungine2 Actions at Helm, Sails, or Fungine
10Random ResistanceResistance of The Pileus changes randomly to something else and is stuck until mishap is fixed, or this mishap happens again. (Roll 1d4. 1. Fire, 2. Lightning, 3. Acid, 4. Cold) DC 15 Nature/Arcana at Fungine.DC 15 Repair check at Helm, Fungine, Gunport, or Spellport.2 Actions at Helm, Fungine, Gunport, or Spellport.
11-20No Mishap!Yay!