
Floria, a world nestled in the heart of the Feywild, is a land of perpetual springtime, where the air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the sounds of nature abound. Here, the Spring Eladrin, dryads, nymphs, and satyrs make their home.

Floria is a world of incredible beauty and diversity, boasting a wide range of biomes that include dense forests, tangled jungles, and murky wetlands. The planet's magically enriched soils provide the perfect conditions for lush vegetation.

In recent years, some inhabitants have even begun to look beyond their own borders, seeking to establish new trade relationships with factions from the Delta. While there are those who worry that such endeavors could disrupt the delicate balance of power that exists on Floria, many see it as an opportunity to share their culture, gain access to vital materials, and expand their own horizons.

Living-lumber is Floria's greatest export, for its excellent use in the building of Styxships. And so to meet recent increased demands, bamboo farms have started to take hold of recently cleared areas.