
Old Growth Planet

Theme: Decay

Vibes: Bluegrass, New Orleans, crumbling infrastructure, wealth disparity, bioluminescent neon

Swamp, Appalachia, Everglades. Home of Skidaddle, the Ever-Sinking City, where the party foiled a plot between the Forge god Mammatus and the Undercity Medusa "Chia Roscurro" to teleport Mount Battleaxe on top of Skidaddle. Wereravens, Dwarves, giant spiders. The planet is dying, crop yields steadily decreasing, whole forests going dormant out of season, a decline in predators and an increased amount of fungus and insects that recycle dead matter. Where the party obtained Misty Mushes.

Weight of the Past

Life on the surface of Golgari is hard and getting harder. Famines are causing people to emigrate in droves, once thriving cities are quickly beocoming ghost towns, and many have come to exploit the newly vulnerable as the powers that be leave a vacuum in their wake.

Two of these would-be exploiters were the corrupt Mayor of Skidaddle, a Fog Giant Deity named Mammatus Daykiller, as well as the mysterious Undercity Medusa known as Chia Roscurro. Chia assisted Mammatus in his sack of Skidaddle in exchange for his Divine Tether and one last Divine Act - teleporting the buried Mount Battleaxe back to the surface, directly over Skidaddle. Were it not for the party, the city would have been robbed of all its worth, then obliterated completely under the weight of Mount Battleaxe.

Under the Rug

As it is for all living things, the death of Golgari is not an end, or even a tapering off, but a transition. Influxes of power have been happening all over the planet, as people who once had to eke their way out in the cracks of eastablished systems are becoming Golgari's leading voices. While life on the surface dwindles away, The Underdark is more vibrant than ever.

Large insect ranches and mushroom mills help feed a growing populace. Family heirlooms of protection and powerful ancient artifacts can be sold for small fortunes as more people find security and stability in quickly expanding Undercities. Shadowy guides that once lived on a knife's edge traversing unpatrolled caverns now help organize infrastructure, pushing development beyond long established borders.

But like all transitions, this Underdark renaissance is not without its pains. New societal cracks have emerged as some communities are not factored into expansion efforts. Caverns with sensitive ecosystems are points of contention as some want to preserve them as they are, and others want to incorporate them into new development. Some animals and plants have been lashing out as their ecological niches shrink and shrink. Horror stories of communities without proper protection wards getting overrun by hoards of undead or dire corbies (or undead dire corbies) are becoming more frequent. There are rumors that some of these attacks are the result of sabotage.