The Feywild

Four planets, non-rotating and axially locked, such that it is always one season on each planet, and time only progresses as you move east or west. The planets are Hunuturu (Winter), Floria (Spring), and Fâl (Autumn), Heliator (Summer). Chaotic and tricksy, handshake agreements have life or death consequences. Fairy tale and folklore inspired - bridge trolls, Baba Yaga, Ananse, selkies, will 'o wisps, la Llorona.

Muddied Time

Where history shines pristine in the glittering Astral Sea, in parts of the Feywild, some aren't sure history is even a thing. For all they care, the world was created Last Thursday. And some parts of it were.

With time dilation, changes that take place over the course of a century on The Delta, occur within the space of a year in The Feywild. A kingdom that rises with one leader but falls with their child might grow into existance in The Feywild one season, and wither away the next.

Intraplanetary Travel

Reliable Ansible-like teleportation is possible between planets only when they are exposed to this Cosmic Rain, otherwise, Styx ships are able to be slingshotted out of one planet's orbit such that the following planet will come along and get the ship in its orbit. I'm thinking there's some use for the Immovable Rod here, but haven't figured that out, yet. This kind of travel is extremely risky, as getting the trajectory wrong might leave you stranded. But an unexpected military fleet arriving out of season could be pivotal in conflicts, and people trying to escape bad situations may not have long enough to wait until the next Cosmic Rain.