
In the icy expanse of Hunturu, the Winter Eladrin make their home. Near the poles, large capital cities are dug into the ground, geothermally heated, looking from above like bright and hazy geodes in a white cliff face. These are centers of interplanar and interplanetary commerce, the only parts of Hunturu, or the whole Feywild, some travelers ever see.

In Aksis, the Northern capital, Castle Bitterbark sits at the bottom of the city, light from the buildings above dancing off it in flashes of bright color, music often drifting up and out of the hole, guiding pilgrims to its warm embrace.

Tension between Aksis and the Southern capital, Sarauniya (Sara-ooh-knee-uh) has been slowly rising. Recently, a controversial statue was erected in Sarauniya, depicting a mythic hero that is usually seen as a Seelie Fey, as an Unseelie fey. To some on Hunturu, depicting this hero as an Unseely is seen as a seditious or antagonistic gesture. It also has a history as a symbol of protest and rebellion.

To get around Hunturu, most go by sled, often ferried by a polar bear people, or more recently through mechanical means. But beware, for some inhabitants of Hunturu prey on these oft-traveled paths, including both Yetis and Oni. In between the capitals, you can find towns made entirely out of ice, floating fishing villages on vast steamy hot springs, and cities carved into waterfalls.

The largest of these frozen waterfalls is Firist Falls; it spans miles, but little is known about the people who live there. Explorers hoping to find their hanging city usually become hopelessly lost and give up, or are never heard from again.

In between the small pockets of domesticity that dot the wintry landscape are large Wilds, forests of living wood, often fiercely protected by druids. These druids usually act in support of a deity that helps the Wilds flourish. Stewards of these Wilds do conduct trade of sustainably sourced Living Wood, but allow no one else to harvest any of the Wilds. Intense conflicts arise when would-be Living-Lumberjacks try to harvest trees unsustainably.

Nestled in the center of Kramis Wilds is the incomplete Kramis Prison. Built centuries ago if not longer, no one's even sure who was supposed to be imprisoned there. One of the largest structures on the face of the planet, it has been derelict as long as most people around can remember.

But lately it has been a place of activity, and no one's really sure who's there, or why.