
The Autumn planet of the Feywild is a place of great turmoil, where the seasons are shaped by the forces of a sweeping Detritus Storm.

Detritus Storm

The Detritus Storm is a powerful and unpredictable force, destroying structures and agricultural lands on a yearly basis. The people of the planet have learned to adapt to the storm's fury, rebuilding their homes and farms with each passing season, or developing architectural and cultural practices which minimize its consequences.

The domestic societies are based around systems of lakes, which pock the otherwise plain featured planet. Atmospheric pressures above the lakes prevent their contamination by the annual deluge of debris, providing an environmental haven for fish and other aquatic kind.


There is conflict between those who choose to remain stationary and cultivate the land, and the nomadic peoples who roam the planet and take advantage of the storm's destructive power. Known as Storm Chaser Nomads, these people are like the Mongol warriors of old, raiders and brigands who pillage and plunder their way across the land.

Life on the autumn planet is harsh and unforgiving, but the people who call it home are strong and resilient, willing to do whatever it takes to survive in the face of nature's wrath. Whether they are tilling the land or chasing storms across the plains, they are united by their determination to make a life for themselves on this tumultuous world.