
Desert Dragon Planet

Theme: Weathering the Storm

Vibes: Mars, Outback, Arrakis, Cold War, Powder Keg

Sovereign of any God or government in the Styx as part of a treaty that ended The War of Dragons ~250 years ago. Dragons are native to the Astral Sea, but have outposts in The Delta and The Feywild where youth can grow to maturity. When becoming an adult, a dragon must choose whether they would like to grow into a World Dragon in the Astral Sea, or remain in The Delta or Feywild and grow to be an Ancient dragon. Ancient dragons are able to traverse the Astral Sea normally, but World Dragons are not able to survive outside The Astral Sea.

Dragons regularly jostle and compete for resources, but until recently, major conflicts were diverted through the Pact of the Five Crowns, a governing body of some of the most powerful dragons on Boros. The Pact assures that, if any of these parties should rise against the other, the remainder would fall on the aggressor to squelch their effort. However, nearly six months ago, The Party discovered a plot between the Black Dragon Dreadbelly, the Red Dragon Burnadetta, and the Green Dragon Corro to subvert the Pact and aspire to godhood. Dreadbelly used a hoard of soul coins to create a Divine Tether, attuning to it and transforming into a Bone Dragon War God held together by the Divine Tether. With some assistance from King Frigiderick (White Dragon) and the Blue Dragon Quickbolt, the party was able to defeat Dreadbelly, (sending Corro and Burnadetta running) whose divine tether then reformed into a Stole upon death.

Big clunky war machines and Giant Lizard shepherds traverse the desert from oasis to oasis, crawling over Bone Dunes, large stretches of desert littered with bones. The largest stretch of these dunes spans the entire equator, known as the Dunes of the Damned. The north and south poles are virtually the only greenspace on the planet, comprised of mega trees like sequoias and boababs. Many settlements are subterranean.

Consolidation of Power

Before the Boros Agreement granted dragons sovereign rule over the planet, the red waste was a little more green. Smallfolk lived alongside Giants, trekking from oasis to oasis as wandering shepherds, or tending to large temperate rainforests at the poles. These poles are where most Giants lived, tending to large trees and warding away Purple Worms or flocks of Giant Eagles.

People also cooperated with Sphinxes, mysterious and powerful creatures willing to lend their magic to a community if people would subject themselves to some trial, usually an adventure to Astrally Project into The Astral Sea to recover some lost bit of knowledge or ancient artifact. So even before the dragons crossed over to The Delta, the people of Boros knew dragons well.

After the Boros Agreement, many Giants and Sphinxes who had not already fled during the war were now emigrating, some sphinxes going to Azorius, others The Astral Sea. Many giants relocated either to Gruul or parts of Selesnya's interior.

Today, dragons have carved out their own niches on Boros. The green zones at both poles have receded considerably, the oases are withering and drying out a little more every year, and the heavy crawling of war machines have increased the number of purple worm incidents. The communities a dragon directly oversees are often well-stocked, safe, and comfy, but the areas in between are becoming increasingly treacherous.